Introduction to Union Find Pattern
Union Find, also known as Disjoint Set Union (DSU), is a data structure that keeps track of a partition of a set into disjoint subsets (meaning no set overlaps with another). It provides two primary operations: find, which determines which subset a particular element is in, and union, which merges two subsets into a single subset. This pattern is particularly useful for problems where we need to find whether 2 elements belong to the same group or need to solve connectivity-related problems in a graph or tree.
Core Operations of Union-Find (Disjoint Set Union - DSU):
- Find: Determine which set a particular element belongs to. This can be used for determining if two elements are in the same set.
- Union: Merge two sets together. This operation is used when there is a relationship between two elements, indicating they should be in the same set.
Union-Find: A Story of Connections
Imagine a social network where everyone is initially a single user with no friends. The moment two users become friends, they form a group. If a user befriends someone from another group, the two groups merge into a larger friend circle. Union-Find helps track these friendships and circles.
How DSU Work?
- Initial State: Everyone is in their own separate group. Think of each person as their own little island.
- Making Connections (Union): When two people shake hands, they now belong to the same group. If they were already in groups, their entire groups merge.
- Checking Connections (Find): Want to know if two people are connected? Union-Find can check if they’re in the same group.
How DSU is Implemented?
- Parents Array: Each element has a parent. In the beginning, each element is their own parent.
- Find Operation: Follows the chain of parents until it reaches the root parent, which represents the group.
- Union Operation: Connects two groups by setting the parent of one group’s root to the other group’s root.
Operations on Disjoint Set Data Structures
1. Creating Disjoint Sets:
- Each element points to a parent.
- Initially, each element is its own parent, forming
disjoint sets. - A “root” element is one that points to itself, identifying the set’s representative.
1 | # Initialize 'n' elements where each element is its own parent. |
2. Find Operation:
The Find
operation determines which set a particular element belongs to. This can be used to determine if two elements are in the same set.
In the below code:
is an array whereparent[i]
is the parent ofi
.- If
parent[i] == i
, theni
is the root of the set and hence the representative. - The
function follows the chain of parents fori
until it reaches the root.
1 | def find(i): |
Above function recursively traverses the parent array until it finds a node that is the parent of itself.
3. Union Operation:
The Union
operation merges two disjoint sets. It takes two elements as input, finds the representatives of their sets using the Find
operation, and finally merges the two sets.
1 | def union(i, j): |
Above function merges two sets by making the representative of one set the parent of the other.
Now, we need to optimize the find()
and union()
Here are various methods for optimally perform operations on disjoint set.
1. Path Compression:
This optimization is applied during the Find
operation. The idea behind path compression is to flatten the structure of the tree, making each member of the set point directly to the set’s representative. This ensures that subsequent Find
operations are faster and more efficient. When an element’s representative is found using the Find
operation, the element’s parent is updated to directly reference the representative, thereby compressing the path.
1 | def find(i): |
This modified Find
operation ensures that every node directly points to the representative of the set, and it makes it easy to find the representative of any two elements.
2. Union by Rank:
This optimization focuses on keeping the tree balanced during the Union
operation. When two sets are merged, the tree with a smaller rank (or depth) is attached to the root of the tree with a larger rank. This ensures that the tree remains relatively flat, optimizing future operations. If both trees have the same rank, the rank of one of them is incremented by one, and the other tree is attached to it.
1 | def unionbyrank(i, j): |
This function uses the rank array to decide which tree gets attached under which tree.
3. Union by Size:
Similar in spirit to Union by Rank, this optimization considers the size (or number of nodes) of the trees when merging them. The primary goal is to ensure that the smaller tree (in terms of nodes) is always attached to the larger tree. This approach helps in maintaining a balanced tree structure, ensuring that operations on the data structure remain efficient.
1 | def unionbysize(i, j): |
This function uses the size array to ensure that the tree with fewer nodes is added under the tree with more nodes.
Here’s a complete implementation of the disjoint set with path compression and union by rank:
1 | # Python3 program to implement Disjoint Set Data Structure. |
Pros and Cons of DSU
- Pros:
- Efficiency: Provides near constant time operations for union and find operations, making it highly efficient.
- Simplicity: Once set up, it’s straightforward to use for solving problems related to disjoint sets.
- Cons:
- Space Overhead: Requires additional space to store the parent and rank of each element.
- Initial Setup: Requires initial setup to create and initialize the data structure.
Why Choose Union-Find Over BFS/DFS?
You can solve similar problems using the Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithms, but the Union Find algorithm provides the optimal solution over them. For problems related to connectivity checks and component identification, Union-Find is often more efficient than BFS/DFS.
- Time Complexity:
- BFS/DFS: For BFS and DFS, the time complexity is O(V + E) where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges. This can be quite slow for large graphs.
- Union-Find: With path compression and union by rank, the amortized time complexity for union and find operations can be approximated as O(a(n)), where a(n) is the inverse Ackermann function. This function grows very slowly, making Union-Find operations almost constant time in practice.
Let’s jump onto our first problem and apply the Union Find pattern.
Redundant Connection
684. Redundant Connection Design Gurus
Problem Statement
Given an undirected graph containing 1
to n
nodes. The graph is represented by a 2D array of edges
, where edges[i] = [ai, bi], represents an edge between ai, and bi.
Identify one edge that, if removed, will turn the graph into a tree.
A tree is a graph that is connected and has no cycles.
Assume that the graph is always reducible to a tree by removing just one edge.
If there are multiple answers, return the edge that occurs last in the input.
- Example 1:
- Input:
[[1,2], [1,3], [3,4], [1,4], [1,5]]
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: The edge
is redundant because removing it will eliminate the cycle1-3-4-1
while keeping the graph connected.
- Example 2:
- Input:
[[1,2], [2,3], [3,1], [3,4]]
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: The edge
creates a cycle1-2-3-1
. Removing it leaves a tree with no cycles.
- Example 3:
- Input:
[[1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [4,2], [5,6]]
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: The edge
adds a cycle2-3-4-2
in one part of the graph. Removing this edge breaks the cycle, and the remaining graph is a tree.
n == edges.length
3 <= n <= 1000
edges[i].length == 2
- 1 <= ai < bi <= edges.length
- ai != bi
- There are no repeated edges.
- The given graph is connected.
The solution to this problem employs the Union-Find algorithm, which is effective for cycle detection in graphs. Initially, each node is considered as a separate set. As we iterate through the edges of the graph, we use the Union-Find approach to determine if the nodes connected by the current edge are already part of the same set. If they are, it indicates the presence of a cycle, and this edge is the redundant one. Otherwise, unite these two sets, meaning connect the nodes without forming a cycle. This approach focuses on progressively merging nodes into larger sets while keeping an eye out for the edge that connects nodes already in the same set.
Here’s how we’ll apply it:
- Initialize an array to represent each node’s parent. Initially, each node is its own parent, indicating that they are each in their own separate sets.
- Iterate through the list of edges. For each edge, apply the “Find” operation to both nodes. If the nodes have different parents, they belong to different sets, and we can union them by pointing the parent of one to the other.
- If the “Find” operation reveals that the two nodes already share a parent, then they’re in the same set, meaning the edge under consideration creates a cycle. This edge is the redundant connection we’re looking for.
- The process ends once we find the redundant connection or after processing all edges.
This approach works as it precisely detects cycles in the way trees should not have them. It’s efficient because the “Union” and “Find” operations can be optimized to almost constant time complexity with path compression and union by rank.
Algorithm Walkthrough:
Consider the input [[1,2], [1,3], [3,4], [1,4], [1,5]].
- Initialize the parent array where
parent[i] = i
- Consider the edge
:- Find the parents of
. Since they’re different, union them by making one the parent of the other.
- Find the parents of
- Next, consider the edge
:- Their parents are different, so union them.
- Now, consider the edge
:- Again, different parents, so union them.
- Consider the edge
:- Find operations for both nodes return the same parent, indicating a cycle. We identify
as the redundant edge.
- Find operations for both nodes return the same parent, indicating a cycle. We identify
1 | class Solution: |
Complexity Analysis:
- Time Complexity: The time complexity is O(N log N), where N is the number of nodes, due to the Union-Find operations with path compression over all edges.).
- Space Complexity: The space complexity is (O(N)), since we maintain a parent array of size (N) where (N) is the number of vertices.
Number of Provinces
547. Number of Provinces Design Gurus
和Pattern Island中的Number of Islands 类似。这道题的matrix表示的是邻接矩阵,可以使用并查集。
同时这道题在Pattern Graph中也出现了,也可以使用DFS。
Number of Islands表示的是陆地和海洋,适合使用DFS.
Problem Statement
There are n
cities. Some of them are connected in a network. If City A
is directly connected to City B
, and City B
is directly connected to City C
, city A
is directly connected to City C
If a group of cities are connected directly or indirectly, they form a province.
You are given a square matrix of size n x n
, where each cell’s value indicates whether a direct connection between cities exists (1 for connected and 0 for not connected).
Determine the total number of provinces.
- Example 1:
- Input:
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: Here, all cities are connected either directly or indirectly, forming one province.
- Example 2:
- Input:
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: In this scenario, no cities are connected to each other, so each city forms its own province.
- Example 3:
- Input:
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: Cities 1 and 4 form a province, and cities 2 and 3 form another province, resulting in a total of 2 provinces.
1 <= n <= 200
n == isConnected.length
n == isConnected[i].length
.isConnected[i][i] == 1
isConnected[i][j] == isConnected[j][i]
To solve this problem, we’ll employ the Union-Find algorithm, a powerful tool for managing disjoint sets. The essence of the approach is to group cities into sets, where each set represents a connected province.
Initially, every city is considered its own province. As we go through the matrix, we use Union operations to join cities that are directly connected, effectively merging their sets. The Find operation identifies the representative of each set (or province) and helps in determining if two cities are already in the same province. By iteratively applying Union operations to all connected city pairs, we merge their respective sets.
In the end, the number of distinct sets (or provinces) is determined by counting the unique representatives of each set, providing the solution to our problem. This approach ensures efficient handling of connections and an accurate count of disconnected provinces.
Here’s a detailed explanation:
- Initialization: We initialize an array
to keep track of the root of each node. Each node is initially its own parent. - Union Operation: If two nodes belong to different sets (different parents), we connect them by making the root of one the parent of the other, effectively merging the sets.
- Find Operation with Path Compression: When we wish to determine which set a node belongs to, we find its root. If during this search we traverse nodes, we directly connect them to the root to flatten the structure, which speeds up future ‘find’ operations.
- Counting Provinces: We start with the assumption that each node is its own province. As we connect nodes, we decrement the count of provinces.
This approach is efficient due to path compression, which flattens the tree structure used internally, leading to very fast subsequent find operations.
Algorithm Walkthrough
Given an input isConnected = [[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[0,0,1]]
, let’s walk through the algorithm:
- Initialize parent to [0, 1, 2].
- Compare node 0 with node 1, they are connected. Union them, parent becomes [0, 0, 2]. Provinces decrement to 2.
- Compare node 0 with node 2, no connection. Skip.
- Compare node 1 with node 2, no connection. Skip.
- The final count of provinces is 2.
1 | class Solution: |
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity: The time complexity is O(n^3) in the worst case, where n is the number of nodes. This is because the union and find operations can take O(n) time without optimizations and we perform up to O(n^2) comparisons.
However, with path compression and union by rank, the amortized time complexity of each union-find operation can be reduced to nearly O(1), making the algorithm run in nearly O(n^2) time.
Space complexity: The space complexity is O(n) for storing the parent array.
Is Graph Bipartite?
785. Is Graph Bipartite? Design Gurus
Problem Statement
Given a 2D array graph[][]
, representing the undirected graph, where graph[u]
is an array of nodes that are connected with node u
Determine whether a given undirected graph is a bipartite graph.
The graph is a bipartite graph, if we can split the set of nodes into two distinct subsets such that no two nodes within the same subset are adjacent (i.e., no edge exists between any two nodes within a single subset).
- Example 1:
- Input:
[[1,3], [0,2], [1,3], [0,2]]
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: The nodes can be divided into two groups: {0, 2} and {1, 3}. No two nodes within each group are adjacent, thus the graph is bipartite.
- Example 2:
- Input:
[[1], [0], [3], [2]]
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: The graph is a simple chain of 4 nodes. It’s clearly bipartite as we can have {0, 2} and {1, 3} as the two subsets.
- Example 3:
- Input:
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: We found that edges (1, 2), (1, 3), and (2, 3) connect nodes within the same set, which violates the condition for a bipartite graph where each edge must connect nodes in different subsets. Thus, there’s no way to divide this graph into two subsets that satisfy the bipartite condition.
graph.length == n
1 <= n <= 100
0 <= graph[u].length < n
0 <= graph[u][i] <= n - 1
does not contain u.- All the values of graph[u] are unique.
- If
contains v, thengraph[v]
contains u.
To check if a graph can be bipartitioned, we employ the Union Find strategy. Initially, each node is treated as a distinct set, signifying that every node is in its own group. As we progress, each edge in the graph is examined. The pivotal aspect here is to determine whether the nodes connected by an edge are in different sets. If they are in the same set, it indicates a violation of the bipartition condition. For edges connecting nodes in separate sets, we perform a union operation, merging these sets. This step is crucial as it helps in grouping the nodes in a manner that allows for a potential bipartition.
Throughout this process, path compression flattens the structure of the sets, speeding up subsequent operations. The graph can be considered bipartite if, after evaluating all edges, no adjacent nodes are found in the same set. However, if any adjacent nodes are in the same set, the graph fails the bipartition test. This method effectively uses the concept of disjoint sets to determine if a given graph can be split into two groups without any overlapping edges.
Step-by-step algorithm
的对立。在遍历的过程中如果发现一个edge连接的两个点已经在一个group了,那就应该return false.
1 | class Solution: |
Complexity Analysis
Time complexity:
- Each
operation can be considered almost O(1) due to path compression. - The main loop processes each edge once, and there are E edges in the graph.
- Hence, the time complexity is O(E), where E is the number of edges in the graph.
Space complexity:
- We use an array to represent the union-find structure. This array has a size equal to the number of vertices V.
- Hence, the space complexity is O(V), where V is the number of vertices in the graph.
# Path With Minimum Effort
Problem Statement
Given a 2D array heights[][]
of size n x m
, where heights[n][m]
represents the height of the cell (n, m)
Find a path from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner that minimizes the effort required to travel between consecutive points, where effort is defined as the maximum absolute difference in height between two points in a path. In a single step, you can either move up
, down
, left
or right
Determine the minimum effort required for any path from the first point to the last.(找一条路径中最大的effort,并且这个effort需要是所有路径中最大effort中最小的)
Example Generation
Example 1:
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: The path with the minimum effort is along the edges of the grid (right, right, down, down) which requires an effort of 1 between each pair of points.
Example 2:
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: The path that minimizes the maximum effort goes through (1,2,2,3,1), which has a maximum effort of 2 (from 3 to 1).
Example 3:
- Input:
- Expected Output:
- Justification: The path that minimizes the maximum effort goes through (1,1,1,1,1), which has a maximum effort of 0.
rows == heights.length
columns == heights[i].length
1 <= rows, columns <= 100
- 1 <= heights[i][j] <= 106
To solve this problem, we’ll employ the Union Find algorithm. The core idea here is to sort all the edges (the differences in elevation between adjacent cells) in ascending order. Then, starting from the smallest edge, we’ll progressively unite adjacent cells in the grid. The process of uniting cells involves linking together cells that can be reached with the current maximum effort level. This step is crucial because it helps to build a path incrementally while ensuring that we keep the effort as low as possible.
We continue this process of uniting cells until the top-left cell and the bottom-right cell are connected. At this point, the current maximum effort level represents the minimum effort needed to traverse from the start to the end. This method efficiently finds the path with the least resistance while considering all possible paths and their associated efforts.
The algorithm involves the following steps:
Step 1: Initialization
- Create a
instance for a 3x3 grid, resulting in 9 elements (0 to 8). - Initialize an empty list to store edges.
Step 2: Building Edges
- Iterate over each cell in the grid.
- For each cell, calculate the absolute difference in elevation with its right and bottom neighbors (if they exist).
Step 3: Sorting Edges
- Sort the edges by their elevation difference in ascending order.
Step 4: Perform Union-Find Operations
- For each edge in the sorted list, perform the following:
- Extract the two cells (cell1 and cell2) and their elevation difference from the edge.
- Perform the
operation on cell1 and cell2.
Step 5: Union Operation
- In the
function, find the roots of both cell1 and cell2 using thefind
method. - If the roots are different, join the two sets. If one set has a higher rank (depth), make it the parent of the other.
- If both sets have equal rank, make one the parent of the other and increase the rank of the parent.
Step 6: Find Operation
- In the
method, for a given cell, find the root of the set to which it belongs. - Implement path compression: Set each cell along the way to point directly to the root. This optimizes future
Step 7: Check for Connection
- After each union operation, check if the start cell (0,0) and the end cell (2,2) are connected.
- This is done by checking if the roots of cell 0 and cell 8 (in the UnionFind structure) are the same.
- If they are connected, stop the process.
Step 8: Result
- The elevation difference of the last processed edge that connected the start and end cells is the minimum effort required.
Algorithm Walkthrough
Step 1: Initialization
- Initialize a UnionFind instance for a 3x3 grid, resulting in 9 elements.
- Create an empty list to store the edges.
Step 2: Building Edges
- Iterate through each cell in the grid and calculate the absolute differences with its right and bottom neighbors (if they exist).
- For the input
, create edges with their differences:- Between (0,0) and (0,1): |1-2| = 1
- Between (0,1) and (0,2): |2-3| = 1
- Between (0,0) and (1,0): |1-3| = 2
- Between (1,0) and (2,0): |3-5| = 2
- Between (1,0) and (1,1): |3-8| = 5
- Between (1,1) and (1,2): |8-4| = 4
- Between (0,1) and (1,1): |2-8| = 6
- Between (1,1) and (2,1): |8-3| = 5
- Between (0,2) and (1,2): |3-4| = 1
- Between (1,2) and (2,2): |4-5| = 1
- Between (2,0) and (2,1): |5-3| = 2
- Between (2,1) and (2,2): |3-5| = 2
Step 3: Union-Find Operations
First, we sort the edges by their differences:
- Edges with Difference = 1:
- (0,0) and (0,1): Difference = 1
- (0,1) and (0,2): Difference = 1
- (0,2) and (1,2): Difference = 1
- (1,2) and (2,2): Difference = 1
- Edges with Difference = 2:
- (0,0) and (1,0): Difference = 2
- (1,0) and (2,0): Difference = 2
- (2,0) and (2,1): Difference = 2
- (2,1) and (2,2): Difference = 2
- Edges with Higher Differences (not initially relevant for the desired path).
Now, let’s perform the Union-Find operations:
Processing Edges with Difference = 1
- Union (0,0) and (0,1):
- Connects cells 0 and 1. Parents:
[0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
- Connects cells 0 and 1. Parents:
- Union (0,1) and (0,2):
- Connects cells 1 and 2 (and hence 0 with 2). Parents:
[0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
- Connects cells 1 and 2 (and hence 0 with 2). Parents:
- Union (0,2) and (1,2):
- Connects cells 2 and 5. Parents:
[0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 8]
- Connects cells 2 and 5. Parents:
- Union (1,2) and (2,2):
- Connects cells 5 and 8. Parents:
[0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 0]
. - At this step, cells 0 and 8 are connected.
- Connects cells 5 and 8. Parents:
- The last edge difference is
1 | class UnionFind: |
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity:
- The time complexity of this algorithm is primarily dictated by the sorting of the edges.
- If there are
cells, we can have at most2n
edges (since each cell can have at most 2 outgoing edges to its right and bottom neighbors). - Sorting
edges takesO(2n log(2n))
, which simplifies toO(n log n)
. - The union-find operations (find and union) take
time each. - Hence, the overall time complexity is
O(n log n)
Space Complexity:
- The space complexity is
for storing the parents and ranks in the union-find data structure and the edge list.