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Introduction to Multi-threaded Pattern
In many algorithms, concurrency and thread safety are very important. With technical interviews in mind, we can easily apply these concepts to most coding problems and stand out from the crowd.
Thread safety can be easily added to any algorithm that uses multiple threads.
Algorithms can be made multi-threaded to perform multiple concurrent tasks or to perform pre-fetching or post-processing functions to speed things up.
Let’s see this pattern in action.
Same Tree
Problem Statement
Given the roots of two binary trees ‘p’ and ‘q’, write a function to check if they are the same or not.
Two binary trees are considered the same if they met following two conditions:
- Both tree are structurally identical.
- Each corresponding node on both the trees have the same value.
Example 1:
Given the following two binary trees:
Output: true
Explanation: Both trees are structurally identical and have same values.
Example 2:
Given the following two binary trees:
Output: false
Explanation: Trees are structurally different.
Example 3:
Given the following two binary trees:
Output: false
Explanation: Corresponding nodes have different value ( 4 & 9 ).
- The number of nodes in both trees is in the range
[0, 100]
. - -10^4 <= Node.val <= 10^4
A simple solution would be to recursively check each corresponding node of the two trees. If one of the trees do not have a corresponding node or their values differ, we can conclude that the trees are not the same.
Here is what our algorithm will look like:
1 | # class TreeNode: |
Time Complexity
The solution will take O(min(M, N)) time, where ‘M’ and ‘N’ are the number of nodes in the given trees respectively. We are taking minimum of ‘M’ and ‘N’, since as soon as we see a difference in value or structure, we do not check the remaining trees.
Space Complexity
We will need O(N) space for the recursion stack in the worst case (when the binary tree is a list). Overall, we will need to store nodes equal to the height of the tree, hence, O(H) space complexity, where H is the height of the given tree.
Making the Algorithm Multi-threaded
To further improve the algorithm, we can make isSameTree() multi-threaded to check the left and right subtrees in separate threads.
We can find how many processors the machine has on which our algorithm is running. We will, then, start multiple threads so that each core can run one thread.
We will use a Volatile Boolean variable isSame so that multiple threads can update its value concurrently.
Here is the code that takes care of this scenario:
1 | import os |
Time and Space Complexities
Everything has the same complexity as the previous solution.
Invert Binary Tree
Problem Statement
Given the root of a binary tree, invert it.
Given the following two binary trees:
- The number of nodes in both trees is in the range
[0, 100]
. - -100 <= Node.val <= 100
This problem is quite similar to Same Tree
. We can follow the same approach. After swapping left and right child of a node, we will recursively invert its left and right subtrees.
Here is what our algorithm will look like:
1 | # class TreeNode: |
Time Complexity
Since we traverse each node once, the solution will take O(N) time where ‘N’ is the total number of nodes in the tree.
Space Complexity
We will need O(N) space for the recursion stack in the worst case (when the binary tree is a list). Overall, we will need to store nodes equal to the height of the tree, hence, O(H) space complexity, where H is the height of the given tree.
Making the Algorithm Multi-threaded
To further improve the algorithm, we can make invertTree() multi-threaded to invert left and right subtrees in separate threads.
We can find how many cores the machine has on which our algorithm is running. We will, then, start multiple threads so that each core can run one thread.
Here is the code that takes care of this scenario:
1 | import threading |
Time and Space Complexities
Everything has the same complexity as the previous solution.
Binary Search Tree Iterator
Problem Statement
Implement an iterator for the in-order traversal of a binary search tree (BST). That is, given a BST, we need to implement two functions:
bool hasNext(): Returns true if at least one element is left in the in-order traversal of the BST. int next(): Return the next element in the in-order traversal of the BST.
Given the following BST:
Here is the in-order traversal of this tree: [1, 4, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20]
Here is the expected output from the algorithm based on different calls:
hasNext() -> true
next() -> 1
next() -> 4
hasNext() -> true
next() -> 10
next() -> 14
next() -> 15
next() -> 19
next() -> 20
hasNext() -> false
- The number of nodes in the tree is in the range [1, 10^5].
- 0 <= Node.val <= 106
- At most 105 calls will be made to hasNext, and next.
A brute force solution could be to store the in-order traversal of the BST in an array and used that array to process the two functions next() and hasNext(). We can maintain a pointer in the array, which points to the next element to be returned to the caller. This algorithm will take O(N) space for storing all elements in the array, and O(N) time to traverse the tree. Both the operations will take O(1) time complexity, as we have pre-processed all the data to store the in-order traversal of the BST in the array.
Transforming a Recursive Algorithm to an Iterative one
We know that we can perform the in-order traversal of a BST recursively. But for the iterator, we can’t use recursion as we can’t stop recursion in the middle to return the required element; this way, we will lose the recursive state of the traversal. Also, we didn’t want to perform the in-order traversal every time next() or hasNext() is called; this will make these function O(N) operations.
We know that we can transform a recursive solution to make it iterative using a stack. This was exactly what we need! This way, we can control the recursion by saving the state of the in-order traversal of the BST in the stack, and later we can resume the tree traversal when next() is called again.
Here is what our algorithm will look like:
1 | # definition for a binary search tree node |
Time Complexity
- The hasNext() will take O(1) time.
- Since next() calls the traverseLeft() function which traverses the left subtree and in the worst case the left subtree could contain all elements (practically it would be a list), hence, next() can take O(N) time in the worst case. One thing to note there though, traverseLeft() processes each element only once. This means, amortized cost of traverseLeft() will be O(1) for ‘n’ calls of next(), therefore, next() has O(1) amortized cost.
Space Complexity
We will need O(N) space for the stack in the worst case (when the BST is a list). Overall, we will need to store nodes equal to the height of the tree, hence,
O(H) space complexity, where H is the height of the given tree.
Making the Algorithm Thread Safe
Our algorithm does not have thread-safety. The algorithm would fail if multiple threads access the same BSTIterator object. We could get a synchronization issue in the next() function for the following two lines:
1 | TreeNode tmpNode = stack.pop(); |
If two threads access the function concurrently, the stack could end up in a bad state.
Here is what can happen. Suppose one thread executes the first line to pop an element from the stack. Before it executes the next line (to traverse the left subtree), another thread which is also processing these lines, can also pop another element from the stack, thus, making the stack invalid.
This means we need to synchronize this function so that only one thread is allowed to process next() at any time.
Here is the new synchronized version of the algorithm.
1 | import multiprocessing |
Making the Algorithm Multi-threaded
To further improve the algorithm, we can make next() multi-threaded so that can return the element to the caller immediately and spawn a separate thread to perform the post-processing required to traverse the left subtree.
In the next() function, we do have the required node available right away, but we could not return to the caller before we traverse the left subtree of the right child of the current node:
1 | traverseLeft(tmpNode.right); |
we can spawn a new thread to process this traversal and return the element to the caller. This way, the caller is unblocked as it has the data quickly, and all the post-processing is done in a separate thread.
This made the algorithm a bit complex though. Now, whenever we are starting a new execution of next() or hasNext(), we need to ensure any previous thread doing the post-processing has finished. This means that we have to add a check before processing next() or hasNext() to wait and call join() on the previous thread if it has not already finished.
Here is the code that takes care of this scenario:
1 | import multiprocessing |
Time and Space Complexities
Everything has the same complexity as the previous solution.