IntroductionThis pattern describes an efficient technique to deal with overlapping intervals. In a lot of problems involving intervals, we either need to find overlapping intervals or merge intervals if they overlap.
Given two intervals (‘a’ and ‘b’), there will be six different ways the two int...
IntroductionIn many problems dealing with an array (or a LinkedList), we are asked to find or calculate something among all the contiguous subarrays (or sublists) of a given size. For example, take a look at this problem:
Given an array, find the average of all contiguous subarrays of size ‘K’ i...
IntroductionThe Fast & Slow pointer approach, also known as the Hare & Tortoise algorithm, is a pointer algorithm that uses two pointers which move through the array (or sequence/LinkedList) at different speeds. This approach is quite useful when dealing with cyclic LinkedLists or arrays....
IntroductionIntroduction to Two Pointers Pattern
In problems where we deal with sorted arrays (or linked-lists) and need to find a set of elements that fulfill certain constraints, the Two Pointers approach becomes quite useful. The set of elements could be a pair, a triplet or even a subarray. F...
IntroductionWho should take this course?Thanks for choosing this course! We hope the techniques you learn here go a long way towards building solid algorithmic skills.
Intended AudienceIf you want to work on your algorithms and problem-solving skills, this course is for you. Systematically, we wi...
本文实现了服务器ubuntu18.04和虚拟机ubuntu20.04两个版本的MySQL8 的安装,和navicat的连接。其中ubuntu18.04对应第二节,ubuntu20.04是ubuntu focal的,对应第三节。
1. 彻底删除mysql5.71.1 查看mysql的依赖项1dpkg --list|grep mysql
1.2 卸载1sudo apt-get remove mysql-common
1.3 卸载(最后的版本数字根据自己具体的版本进行相应的修改)1sudo apt-get autoremove --purg...
作为一个前端开发工程师,在后端还没有ready的时候,不可避免的要使用mock的数据。很多时候,我们并不想使用简单的静态数据,而是希望自己起一个本地的mock-server来完全模拟请求以及请求回来的过程。json-server是一个很好的可以替我们完成这一工作的工具。我们只需要提供一个json文件,或者写几行简单的js脚本就可以模拟出RESTful API的接口。
安装json-servernpm install -g json-server
Pending 正在做。。。
Resolved 完成这个承诺
Rejected 这个承诺没有完成,失败了
Promise 用...
Nginx 简介Nginx概述Nginx (“engine x”)是一个高性能的 HTTP 和反向代理服务器 特点是占有内存少,并发能力强,事实上 nginx 的并发能力确实在同类型的网页服务器中表现较好,中国大陆使用 nginx网站用户有:百度、京东、新浪、网易、腾讯、淘宝等
Nginx 作为 web 服务器Nginx可以作为静态页面的 web 服务器,同时还支持 CGI 协议的动态语言,比如 pe rl 、 php等。但是不支持 java 。 Java 程序只能通过与 tomcat 配合完成。 Nginx 专为性能优化而开发,性能是其最重要的考量 实现上非常注重效率 ,能经受高负载的...
此部分知识为学习axios预备知识,预备知识链:ajax —> promise —> axios —> react/vue
AJAX 简介 AJAX 全称为 Asynchronous JavaScript And XML,就是异步的 JS 和 XML。
通过 AJAX 可以在浏览器中向服务器发送异步请求,最大的优势:无刷新获取数据。
AJAX 不是新的编程语言,而是一种将现有的标准组合在一起使用的新方式。
XML 可扩展标记语言。
XML 被设计用来...